


http://www.vanessa-carlton.net/ who the fuck is she?

and Mick Jagger has some reckoning here. did yousee the new commercial for time warner? jesus help me.
this chick smells sour. Ort can play better piano (barely pry) and she sounds all whiney. Look we just don't need a female michael bolton, dammit. It just isn't right. time IS NOT ON HER SIDE

The KFC commercial out now too. HELLO..... IT'S KENTUCKY fried chicken. Who's bright idea was using SWEET HOME ALABAMA??? Same country but different states. There are kids runnign around know shit about geography, and God knows it is hard enough with the countries being taken over and names changed or neighborhoods obliterated by friendly forces, but these states names stay put. as do the states. and sweet home alabama. get a generation will ya?    MY GENERATION RUINED THE SONG. there I will say it. I'm not proud. we killed freebird too. and stairway to heaven. and yes, we are even maybe a little proud of it. But we killed them... PLEASE FOR ALL THATS HOLY... LET THEM LAY DEAD. Make no attempts to resurect them. You will regret it. This is what happens when either juveniles of old ass stoners are allowed to make commercials. I wish the homeland security would get off its ass and do something about this garbage.

p.s. I blame Hunter S. Thompsons death on George Dubya Bush. poor soul just had no hope left. God rest his soul

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