a subtle note from my wife
Ok so is anyone out there besides tired of passwords? I just want to throw my pc out the window some days. As annoying as it is to have to set up passwords to do anything on the internet, what is even more annoying is when you haven’t been on the website for a number of days and you can’t remember the username or password. Good fuckin luck trying to get anywhere with it. let me back up a minute..i’d like to know why the hell you need passwords for everything on the net. Like for instance, the Miami herald. Why in the hell do you need a password to view the Miami herald?i’ll tell you why. So they can soak personal information out you, then proceed to make your life a living hell. So much for the .net passport system. That’s a fuckin joke too. No websites except hotmail accept the “universal password” your .net account gives you. that’s because .net has your personal info and it’s not passed to the other site when you access it.. therefore, the other sites say fuck you .net, we are not accepting you.
I attempted to read the Miami herald yesterday, as I read it just about everyday. Unlike the leader herald, wich is the local paper here, there is something to read in the Miami herald. Something besides wich company Gloversville decided to purchase there new garbage truck from. I digress.. normally, when I access the Miami site from my drop down menu, it automatically signs me on, as I checked the little box that says.”keep me signed in on this pc”.. well not yesterday. And since the site has automatically signed me in every damn day since I signed up for the account,it has not been necessary for me to type in the password and I have forgotten it..OF COURSE..
So I begin the arduous task of trying to recall the username and the password..Password manager, a useless tool installed on my windows xp operating system,offers no help at all..thanks again mr. gates.. no wonder so many people are downloading linux. I check the box for Miami herald to send me the password to my e-mail address..they assure me it will arrive in seconds..2 days later after I have withered away from boredom, the password shows up. Jesus and baby jesus. All this crap to read a fuckin newspaper.
I am really annoyed by now, as you can imagine..i decide I will make an entry in my blog about passwords,and how much they annoy me.. my husband set up the blog for me and I have had no time for even one entry.. I go to my favorites this morning, select blog from the drop down menu and get to the blog site.. guess what.. I need a username and a freakin password to access my fuckin blog..guess what? The 50 combinations I tried didn’;t work and there is a place to get mailed the password, but not the username.. so now I have to re-sign up if I want to make an entry in the blog.. fuck me to tears. I’d rather walk up to the mouth of a cannon,stick needles in my eyes,or eat a mile of purple shit, than screw around with another set of passwords and usenames. You may think it’s a simple solution of always using the same username and password huh? Well that sounds great in theory , but like everything else when applied to real life deson’t work..some sites demand a password 6 letters long, some 8 lettrs long, some want letters and numbers, some want no caps,or all caps,some will not let the user/password be the same. Ad infinitum.
Ok so is anyone out there besides tired of passwords? I just want to throw my pc out the window some days. As annoying as it is to have to set up passwords to do anything on the internet, what is even more annoying is when you haven’t been on the website for a number of days and you can’t remember the username or password. Good fuckin luck trying to get anywhere with it. let me back up a minute..i’d like to know why the hell you need passwords for everything on the net. Like for instance, the Miami herald. Why in the hell do you need a password to view the Miami herald?i’ll tell you why. So they can soak personal information out you, then proceed to make your life a living hell. So much for the .net passport system. That’s a fuckin joke too. No websites except hotmail accept the “universal password” your .net account gives you. that’s because .net has your personal info and it’s not passed to the other site when you access it.. therefore, the other sites say fuck you .net, we are not accepting you.
I attempted to read the Miami herald yesterday, as I read it just about everyday. Unlike the leader herald, wich is the local paper here, there is something to read in the Miami herald. Something besides wich company Gloversville decided to purchase there new garbage truck from. I digress.. normally, when I access the Miami site from my drop down menu, it automatically signs me on, as I checked the little box that says.”keep me signed in on this pc”.. well not yesterday. And since the site has automatically signed me in every damn day since I signed up for the account,it has not been necessary for me to type in the password and I have forgotten it..OF COURSE..
So I begin the arduous task of trying to recall the username and the password..Password manager, a useless tool installed on my windows xp operating system,offers no help at all..thanks again mr. gates.. no wonder so many people are downloading linux. I check the box for Miami herald to send me the password to my e-mail address..they assure me it will arrive in seconds..2 days later after I have withered away from boredom, the password shows up. Jesus and baby jesus. All this crap to read a fuckin newspaper.
I am really annoyed by now, as you can imagine..i decide I will make an entry in my blog about passwords,and how much they annoy me.. my husband set up the blog for me and I have had no time for even one entry.. I go to my favorites this morning, select blog from the drop down menu and get to the blog site.. guess what.. I need a username and a freakin password to access my fuckin blog..guess what? The 50 combinations I tried didn’;t work and there is a place to get mailed the password, but not the username.. so now I have to re-sign up if I want to make an entry in the blog.. fuck me to tears. I’d rather walk up to the mouth of a cannon,stick needles in my eyes,or eat a mile of purple shit, than screw around with another set of passwords and usenames. You may think it’s a simple solution of always using the same username and password huh? Well that sounds great in theory , but like everything else when applied to real life deson’t work..some sites demand a password 6 letters long, some 8 lettrs long, some want letters and numbers, some want no caps,or all caps,some will not let the user/password be the same. Ad infinitum.
12 pennies
maybe part of my lot in life is p00pies, as I've worked in the sewers, and my dad had a flushing thing, but now my wife and I clean businesses for work, and I clean bathrooms. It is not really so bad, except for woodlawn street, whish she was working before I started (to fill a vacancy). she was greeted by two pennies over the soap dispenser and the paper towel dispenser. Now I work the same building, and she does the bigger bathrooms. There must be extra needs people who frequent these bathrooms, and if so, some of them need supervision.
#1 sanitary napkin recepticles are NOT MADE FOR ADULT DIAPERS.
#2 someone smears poop, just about everywhere and make it an unpleasent mess.
yet the pennies seemed to have stopped when I took control of the other bathroom... until recently
the pennies, suddenly reappeared. They are placed exactly over the locks of each device. 2 pennies. one for each nosel. then i got just plain weird. 2 went to three, when one was placed on the hot water faucet (which does not work) that seemed reasonable, but yesterday they were everywhere, light switches, sink, 7 on a window pane, for a total of 12 pennies. way too much going on there... but what, if any is the motivation. Is there a mental condition where they must place pennies exactly so? Is there someone trying to lure elephants into the bathroom? Is the Lord trying to show me something? help me please. bewofthe@verizon.net
My Dad
I am listening to piano music. Something I probably enjoy because of my father. He was no real musician. Just liked piano music. I carry his asshes (pun intended) around. It's my turn I guess to support his ass.