

It's a shitty job

Ok so for about 10 years I worked in the sewers. Usually up ground, but we cleaned, televised and repaired the sewer pipes where your flushed doodries and pry batteries, and chicken necks, pass along. Through the years some lines get a thick layer of black silt on the bottom even with flow, this could be for a variety of reasons, but it is there. Within this silt can be corn, (it IS forever) old coins a watch or two, class rings, gold wedding bands, diamond jewelry (sounds a little better doesn't it..) this can be turned in for $$$! We use a high powered jetter and a special nozzle that shoots the water along the hose behind it. w/ up to 3000lbs @ the pump thats about 1700lbs 500" up the hose @ the nozzel. This will rip off your clothes and cause large welts to raise on your skin, as I have seen with my eyes. (thank God, it was not me.) The pro of this job (not that the jewelry was not bonus enough or even the rediculous $$ i made for instance cleaning 1/2 block away in washington, dc on july3rd @ 9pm on a sunday. triple over time can be a boon.) no it was the fact that when dead tour was running, I could grab one or two day jobs anywhere. heh. so I caught huge shows. Clean all day, go to the motel shower and most times I could park my pumper truck (blue) within sight of the venue. Putting cones around your truck like it is "monitoring" a sewer line, no one wants to touch anypart of it. I had a pair of cricket speakers mounted in the back, so I could blast shows while cleaning.

Of course there were days of just plain shit. Bowling Green Maryland had 3 miles of pipe and 40 manholes to clean and repair. one had a service connection in the manhole, so we went to a few houses and gave the ol' please dont flush the toilet for 1 hour to let the manhole finish. Not only did this sick old lady flush her toilet BEFORE. It happened just as I opened my mouth to holler for a tool, yeah baby fresh liquid doogan into my mouth. Had my boss let me out of the manhole, I probably would still be in prison for beating an old lady with a manhole hook. Instead I spent several hours vomiting frequently, but as things were it also made the county engineer vomit also. You gotta wonder why these things are placed in our paths. There were time when a up -line plug would come out when you were way down stream and you'd get a lil wet.... ok soaked.

Some jobs were kind of cool. Like televising the coal tubes at orange rockland utilities. My cacmera was buried when some guy hit the wrong lever/switch and shot oil covered coal down on my camera. (the color cameras for these projects are a 4" circle and 12 to 15 inches long, cost = $35,000 consequntly the plant got shut down so they could empty the shute out from the boiler side.

one night in port jefferson a dude on a crotch rocket came flying around the corner cafe racing style, came upright just in time to see my electric winch over the manhole. Result? (winch and bike parts down manhole) he was under the tv truck. not dead, AND HE had to pay all damages, to include the backhoe and operator plus materials to dig up the manhole. crushed bike.. very very messy.

I spent many months in lehigh valley area, abd realy dug that. penn people are kinda nice. Plus i would walk sometimes on my day off through the amish country. I totally freeked out an amish guy wanting to help him change his wheel. (try to learn something you know?) he thought i was mocking him. Took a bit of time to show him I was sincere and in hindsight very, very bored.


Where did it all go wrong

now, I know I was a little hard on my brother when he was younger. Maybe I should not have told him that the boogie man does live here. Or they were drafting 10 yr olds... I sat with him every day for sesame street, electric company, and zoom. Now he's all grown and ... he voted proudly for george dubya bush. I mean he was a pretty normal kid, was it the major wedgies he endured? Rice pudding in his diapers? I guess I will never know. This poor kid still believes the lies. the deceit. i try to tell him that, I as a pot smoker, am in mortal danger because g dubya says it contributes to terrorism? Poor George, I know he is just a tool.. they all are, but it so apparent in him. He is an angry man. Daddy was beat up and did not get to finish Saddam off. George Bush Is like a dog thats been beat into submission by the bigger dog, and now they's "pals" yeah... "pals" I try to make my brother understand all this hypocracy. I am voting with conscience. Liberatarian. You wanna go off, be a junkie, not hurt anyone thats your business.... When people can get opiates perscribed to them.... oxy cottons perscribed to them... even Heroin administered by their Doctor, and people who can really use marijuana, are not allowed to.. George Bushes money came from OIL AND PHARMECUTICAL COMPANIES..... it really is kind of stupid.... perscribed oxy cottons w/ no supervision, or monitoring, left a buddy a heroin addict, because the "time" ran out on his perscription.... I on the other hand, used marijuana oil and chocolate to deal with my pain.... it worked. I see it work for others. the big pharmecuticals can not match what God has made. This is the real problem. Hemp is the same ignorance. Hemp can be made to fuel your car, make the OIL to lubricate your car. make oil to heat your house. make fuel to generate electricity. with NO POLLUTION. wtf is wrong with all the politians...... The answer is in the weed. no dependance of foriegn oil..... that goes a long way in not pandering to terrorists.... I'd say it would/should be a matter of nation security. it help america win 1 war....

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