

The Train

on the evening the Gulf War started, I was boarding a train to deliver me to my sister, as she was my christmas present. 1 train from Albany. NY to Chicago. Switch to a double decker train and take that into Reno Nv., where my sister would pick me up and drive to tahoe. Simple right? heh. The first half was non-incidental. Out at Chicago and a porter comes to help me with my bags. Now I am pretty excited as the trains main viewing car is mainly sky lights for viewing. Rocky Mountians here we come. The "club" car has a smoking secton, which had 4 diner like tables but like 30 to 40 people in it smoking. The party was in high swing...I was just opening the rest facility door, when the whole car screamed NO! ...... too late It was covered top to bottom with projectile vomit. Some girl got drunk and sick. Her boyfriend went, dejectedly (and drunk too) to lay down in a sleeper. Problem was... he had coach tickets. Nor was he sober enough to realize this or even be understanding, so he was ejected from the train into the hands of the local sherriff. The train begins moving again, when about an hour later, miss projectile vomit sobers up enough to realize her boy friends gone. No we will not got back, no you can not get off. So she finds the emergency handle, pulls it to stop the train and jumps off, running down the track.... I'm coming!! was her drunken cry. Pulling the handle for a non-emergency is a Federal offense. So we had to sit there, until the local sherriff in this town, found her and picked her up. (it was winter time) also to note when the handle was pulled it caused some wires to become messed up somehow... and after running for 1 or 2 hours, the train would just turn off. The circut breaker would trip or something of that nature, causing us to move in jerks and spasms.

Now after all this excitement, a girl from NC asks if I have rolling papers, which I did, so we went down 2 cars to the womens bathroom to roll the joint and blow it out the toilet (it dumps @ speed on the tracks. ewwww.) needless to say she had some excellent pot, and we got stoned in the bathroom. There was suddenly this moment where I though she was going to kiss me, and the whole word seemed still... let me tell you I was excited, when suddenly the train stopped. We hear doors open and two men whom identify themselves as FBI enter the train. We both assume it is because the conductor smelled marijuana, but to our sorprise no (the conductor was a she, and thought we were doin the nasty, so she let us be.... ) As we enter the top of the car again, everyone is on the left side of the train cramming the windows to see. As we looked out we saw a passenger, the two agents and a conductor. They pulled out a suitcase, opened it up, to find it filled with weapons. all stolen. bye bye to that passenger, he was cuffed and stuffed. and the train slowly moves through the night. When we arrived in reno we were 36 hours late. My sister knowing my life and luck knew there was a story behind. May God bless the girl who got me high....


If life was a river.
I am a stone

it was a weird trip yesterday to the crematorium. I passed through places that surely my ancestors passed through. It made me wonder... My Grandmother came from Mass. while her husband was in glens falls. Today these distances are no great thing. But then... It took almost all day to go from Canada to NYC. probably if you were traveling with children... 2 days. If you let them live that long. But there were two people that met over a huge distance.. This happened all over the world. My parents lived an hour away in the 50's and my dad wore out his car going to see her. They met in a drama production, by chance. These days, I chat with people from all over the globe. I know two people who met in a chat room and were married. hopefully happily ever after. The wrold was so much bigger then.


when push comes to shove

well i got to go an verify the body is my dad's. i wonder how that shall feel. If i have my wits, I will at first deny he is my father... heh. See if I can scare the director a bit. I am going to have him cremated, and sprinkle 1/2 in an adirondack cave and half in death vally.

The Toilet

my father, as he slowly went into dementia, from his head injury, decided to flush as much as he could down the toilet, to save in landfill costs. Batteries, sandwiches, cigarette butts, if it fit, he would flush it. Of course the real problem was that he had a septic tank for his rental unit, and eventually it would need to be pumped out. He won, before that happened he was deemed unfit to manage his affairs and was sent to a demetia unit in a nursing home. In light of this, I live in a city with real sewers, so to honor his dedication, Ihave taken to flushing everything I can down the toilet, and let the city engineers figure that shit out. Of course there are drawbacks, chicken necks don't flush too well, and the plunger was brought into play. But all in al, the toilet has a large exit area, and you can get a lot down. Give it a try. not much to lose.

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