

2 more mondays

2 more mondays and math 1 will be all but a terrible joke on my brain. I will have to say it is a foreboding of math 2. can you feel the torment? Otherwise, cuznt is doing well for a 50 year old college freshman. After the brain recovering from my 2001 accident, and having to relearn most of my life, I am kind of liking this learning. Halfsteps Facebook page is where most of my creative outlet has been working, what with yet another bass player. Bob Beaver replaces Ian (A sick fucking bass player in his own right... god love him.) and of course Halfstep



into second semester itt-tech. who would think i would be sweating @ 49 10/12 over math. but there you go


well up to date wise, I just finished my 1st semester at Itt-tech and I'm thinking I kind of like this learning thing. Got good grades to start off, but they was easy courses, and I know they will get more difficult as I progress. (math 1). But for better or worse, I, David A. Lawson, am a Freshman.


itt-technical college. time for a new life/carrer @ 50


Been a long time since posting. Working with me wife @ http://www.flamingolakegeorge.com. I will hopefully start @ ITT Tech in December of this year. Meanwhile. Rock and Roll. Halfstep .org is up and running thanks to Temp0. Many dates coming up. Most links fixed and working.


How to Avoid being Arrested by Cops 

A must see.
Also watch "War on Drugs - Big Dirty Business"


oo ooh that smell

We work for an inventory company temporarily until our summer jobs at the lake start. I am not sure why we are supposed to be counters right now, but there is the exersize. We do we do this one pharmacy every month. This place is an effin madhouse. We used to do it when it was open, but now do it after normal operating hours. Thank God. It is otherwise brutal.
I am not a big pill fan and less so when back in 88 I think I worked for national water main, when after a rather lame day, was requested to do a little run, and was sent to a pharmaceutical plant, because the liquid starch base used to make their pills, had solidified or what I knew then was gelled. We were sent with a super vacuum truck, a monster of like 45 tons, with its own engine for the vacuum. 4" flex suction hose was laid and taped waiting for us. To give you an Idea of the power, we were suctioning through 175' of 4" and up 40' to the 2nd floor. We broke up this starch with a shovel and sucked it into our truck, cleaning the entire tank in under 2 hours. Then we had to drive from this new jersey plant to another in Pennsylvania, which was The company's lab where it would determined who did what and how. Of course after suctioning it, and it driving in our truck... This starch was liquid again. When we got to the lab site, they had no place for us to dump it and had no idea we were coming. We could not per our instruction leave without emptying the entire truck, so after 2 hours, we were greeted by 2 55 gal drums, when we had like 2000 gals.... So we sat there in Penn, 6 hours from our office, and another 6 hours toget home in Upstate NY, waiting for something, anything. We waited 4 hours until we were told to fill the drums and dump the rest in the pool next to it that had signs that said not to. We could have at that point cared less, and were hurrying to get it done before someone said to stop. All this time we had to smell it. That starchy pill smell. Just like when we inventory the pharmacy



In 1999 the musical group I belonged to, halfstep began its deterioration. It started with juan nodding out on the way home because he was pharmied up. The group lost momentum. By the time it started to swing up again it was too late. 2 members and one girlfriend we full fledged heroin addicts. Somewhere in this, It is my belief that God intervened, via my motor vehicle accident. Ironically, my life was saved by the drug dealer who was providing my brothers and sister the heroin. What I ended up with was no music at all. It has been my life. My breath. Through it all I ended up with the most wonderful woman I could have ever imagined, and some things I could not have imagined too. (She is truly my soul mate and best friend). If nothing else ever occurs in my life, I give thanks to God for this woman, and the people I got to touch with music. The whole thing became just sad. Pathetic even
back in december I worked sound for a band called somebodys closet. The music took over my being and made me feel like picking up my instrument. The more I learned of their music, the more obsessed I have become about it. I am devouring all the music I can find of theirs to learn. It feels so good to play this music. It makes me feel beautiful inside to stand up there with them performing. In many ways I can identify with it better than halfsteps music. It makes me feel like I have never paid attention when I played. Because I pay so much attention. Because I want to enhance, in some way, the music I hear, instead of leading, and being a dominant sound. The thought of performing with these people, makes me nuts. It makes my stomach hurt. The though of them saying no torments me. It is as if it being dangled in front of me just out of reach. I want it so bad... But do I wish to jump off to grab it? I am an intense person at times, this I know. I could seem too aggressive and scare them off. They have had the hurt of losing musicians, including their guitar player who just left one day. (a fool IMO, but he has his reasons) They say they are not looking for a replacement, but I can't help but wish with my whole spirit, that they will give me a shot. I feel with all they have been through, and myself, that I have no right to even ask for a chance. (they really don't know me that well) It is a tangled web I weave in my own mind. and I am scared........ I would have a hard time believing that music would leave to never return. So I sit here and pray.

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